Beautiful and sunny 1st day of March, Spring is just around the corner and it’s pancake day too! So to celebrate we’ve decided to take part in #marchmeetthemaker by @joannehawker (and eat plenty of pancakes too!) Technically with us though it’s #meetthemakers as we are husband and wife team - we know a lot of people wouldn’t dream of working with their spouse but with us it seems to work (so far so good anyway ) and that’s where the CGGT bit in our name comes from ~ Christina & Gary Granger-Thompson. We live in Sheffield, a fantastic and very green city built on seven hills and surrounded by gorgeous countryside. Our jewellery is made at home by us, we play an equal share in the designing and making of our pieces which are based on chain maille weaves and put simply, we love making jewellery! Making something beautiful that in turn makes someone else happy is what we like to do. In photos of us you’ll most likely see us with our baby girl being carried in the sling and out walking somewhere nice because when we’re not busy making jewellery or looking after our brood of three that’s what we like to do! Each day we plan (although we haven’t actually planned anything yet ) to post a little bit more about us, we’ll do our best to keep up with this but I’ll be honest, it’s a tall order and we can be a bit rubbish with things like this. Wish us luck! #marchmeetthemaker2022 #smallbusinessuk #handmadejewellery #jewellerydesigners #takingpart #familybusinesslife #husbandandwifeteam #threeisthemagicnumber #thisisus #kinectbycggt
